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Minggu, 05 Desember 2010

An Open Letter for my Dearest Sister and Brother

My dearest Dissa and Bui,

So far this Monday has been so nice to me. My fave manga is published today, also I got my stuff from Beppu this morning. In Japan, when we received お荷物, the kind Mr. Postman will deliver to our house, meanwhile here, we have to take them at the central post office. I received the note from the post office last week, but I took them this morning. 

With this open letter to you, I would like to say thank you so much from the deepest of my heart for sending my stuff. I also want to say sorry for troubling you two, so reckless of me. However, with your help, I can get my old stuff back; tumblers, clothing, my saman pants, head scarfs, CDs, a photo album that I got from Yuka (as a birthday presents), inkan, and so on. なんか、さびしくなったんだ... Even for some clothes, they still have the same smell when I left Beppu. And all the memories are coming back to me.

So once again, thank you so much for your help. I really really grateful to have such kind sister and brother like you. Will always love you, and never forget you.



Sabtu, 04 Desember 2010


and I just cried; reading the last chapter of Candy Candy

*such a cry baby

Saturday, Dec.4th, 2010

Hari ini abis nge-date sama mamah. Hihihi... abis nonton Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollow Part 1. Rencana semula, kami mau menonton film itu di Kelapa Gading, di bioskop yang oke dan gaya gitu (sekali-sekali nggak apa-apa dong, gaya). Tapi kalau nonton di sana, apalagi kalau akhir minggu, jaminan mutu kalau bioskopnya ramai, ramai, dan tidak ada kata lain selain ramai! Tadinya memang kami mau menonton di tengah minggu saja, tapi karena satu dan lain hal, terpaksa kami melakukannya di akhir minggu ini. Setelah coba cek di internet, ternyata di bioskop terdekat dengan rumah kami, film itu sudah mulai diputar! Yey! Dan pergilah ke sana sore tadi.

Pendapat saya? Hmm.. yang pasti saya tidak bosan menontonnya. Sejauh ini, saya selalu mengantuk menonton film Harry Potter, dan yang jadi favorit saya adalah: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Kenapa yang itu, karena buat saya, penggambaran fisik tokoh Harry Potter yang paling pas ada di film itu, dengan rambut berantakan dan gaya canggung remaja tanggung (halah).

Sebelum saya menonton film ini, sudah lumayan banyak juga review tentang film ini yang saya baca. Dan rata-rata memberikan review bagus. Kalau buat saya sih, seperti yang tadi sudah saya tuliskan sebelumnya, kalau film ini tidak membuat saya bosan. Tiap adegannya mengalir mulus. Ditambah dengan humor-humor yang muncul tapi tidak terasa terpaksa.

Dan seperti yang sudah-sudah kalau saya menonton film dengan aktor-aktor kebangsaan Inggris, entah kenapa, selalu terasa beda. Meskipun film yang saya tonton cumalah komedi romantis, tapi setiap emosi, setiap gerakan, suara yang disampaikan oleh para aktor-aktornya tidak terasa kalau mereka sedang berakting. Teriakan Hermione yang benar-benar menyayat hati, rasa ketakutan Lucius Malfoy saat Voldemort meminta tongkat sihir Malfoy untuk dipinjamkan. Setiap kehadiran tokoh-tokohnya selalu memberikan hawa yang berbeda, ditambah dengan efek background dan backsound, yang semakin membuat suasana semakin mencekam. Bagian yang paling saya suka: ENDINGNYA!!! Klimaks dan semakin membuat orang penasaran ingin segera menonton kelanjutannya!

Bagian yang nggak saya suka: memang tidak mungkin menerjemahkan semua bagian dalam buku ke dalam film dengan durasi 2jam lebih. Ada beberapa emosi yang saat saya membaca bukunya begitu menyayat, misalnya kematian Hedwig dan saat Harry berkunjung ke makam orang tuanya. Saya ingat saat membaca bukunya, saya benar-benar menangis (atau jangan-jangan ini karena saya yang memang terlalu sensitif akan hal seperti ini?) *shrug

Singkatnya, seperti review para ahli (soknyeee), saya juga akan memberikan ponten bagus buat Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollow Part 1. Yihiiiiy... akhirnya ada juga serial Harry Potter yang bisa dinikmati lagi!

Cee Lo Green - F**k You(日本語字幕ヴァージョン)

let's learn Japanese with Cee Lo Green's F**k You (LOL)

Sabtu, 20 November 2010



Tittle : Tokyo Crazy Paradise

The mangaka is Nakamura Yoshiki sensei, the one who wrote Skip Beat.

*one crazy, funny, romantic story.


It's the year 2020 AD, and Tokyo is a city infested with crime. Women can no longer go out in the streets alone without being victimized. Not wanting their daughter to suffer the same fate, Tsukasa Kozuki's cop parents raise her as a boy. When they are suddenly killed by one of the yakuza's in-fights, Tsukasa is left orphaned on the streets along with her three brothers. With no other options, she goes to the only person she can think of for help: pokerface Ryuji Shirogami, her classmate of 8 years and also the head leader of the powerful yakuza group, Kuryugumi. Ryuji, whose father was also a victim of the same yakuza fight, agrees to take her on as his personal bodyguard. As they set out to find their enemy, Ryuji slaps on an increasing amount of debt onto Tsukasa using all manners of ploys necessary to keep the reluctant Tsukasa by his side.

Rabu, 17 November 2010

Topeng Kaca Edisi Spesial

Suatu malam, dengan garasu no kamen versi bahasa Indonesia edisi spesial di tangan, aku duduk di pojok ruang tamu.

Ayah adang: Ya ampun, tante! Masih baca komik aja!

Saya: Ih, ayah! Ini kan buat remaja, Yaah..

Ayah adang: (terdiam) Iya maksudnya itu... >> sepertinya nggak tega mau bilang kalau saya bukan remaja lagi.

Ah ayah, kau terlalu baik. Sampai kapanpun, saya akan terus remaja kok.

Note: Ayah adang; panggilan sayang abang saya yang paling tua.

Sabtu, 13 November 2010


Sepertinya naluri membaca manga-nya keluar lagi nih, akhir-akhir ini. Setelah baca ulang Skip Beat, terus tadi iseng-iseng cari googling Garasu no Kamen. Abis penasaran, waktu minggu lalu ke toko buku import di GI, niatnya mau membeli Sandra Brown yang terbaru. Tapi ternyata belum masuk pasar Indonesia sepertinya. Lalu mampir deh ke bagian Nihongo no Manga. Selain dapat Skip Beat 24, eh ada juga tuh Garasu no Kamen no 44 dan 45. Masa sih secepat itu? Perasaan yang no. 43 terbitnya lama banget... kalau tidak salah ada 5 tahun!! Tadi baru ingat untuk googling soal ini. Dan ternyata memang ada yang terbaru!!

DAN yang lebih menyenangkan lagi, dari hasil googling itu, saya menemukan satu link, yang isinya didedikasikan untuk GARASU NO KAMEN, berikut sinopsis di Hana to Yume magazine dan tankoubon-nya! Woow woow... <3


Di suatu malam terjadi percakapan antara Nadia dan sang Oma.

N: Oma ini apa?
O: Ini kipas sayang.
N: Gambarnya apa, Oma?
O: Gambar mesjid.
N: Mesjid apa?
O: Mesjid Jepang.
N: Jepang apa, Oma?
O: Jepang, negara sayang.
N: Negara apa, Oma?



(tiba-tiba Oma berpikir harus cari jawaban yang memuaskan Nadia)

N: Indonesia apa?
O: Indonesia negara Nadnad.
N: Nadnad apa, Oma?
O: Nadnad yang cantik sekali. (Tersenyum)
N: (terdiam lalu tertawa) Hihiii
(Oma berkata dalam hati, fiuuuhh selamaat).

Rabu, 10 November 2010


It's been two years I follow this manga. Finally, after all the long hiatus of reading any manga, I started to follow this one. It was after writing my thesis, just like any other lazy students, who felt that they were to lazy to do anything to occupy their free time, I started to ask to friends about manga they were reading at that time. Some were referring to this one, giving positive comments to this manga; FUNNY, GREAT STORY, LOTS OF COOL GUYS, etc. And then in the count of minutes, I became one of the thousands of SKIP BEAT HARDCORE FANS out there.

What caught me from the beginning, it being funny. All characters are not portrayed in such a cliche way, or you know, just like a regular character you would find in most mangas. For me, the main character Kyoko Mogami is quite different. At the beginning of the story when she was dumped by her stupid boyfriend (Fuwa Shoutaro),  she was angry! Also in the same time, she realized that she was used by him. And what attracted me most, that most character in manga, if there was any kind of this story, the heroine would go crying. Well, you know, the passive type of girl. And I would find it very boring and USUAL! So what's the point of writing a manga, if you have that usual type story... >> hahahh... being so nosy, am I?

Anyway, as story went, more characters appeared; interesting characters that is. All the twists love story, again not too lovey dovey, or again full of cliche (well perhaps there is a little bit of the cliche-ness >> is this even a word? :P), that make this manga very very interesting!

When the first time I read this one, I read it on Mangafox. But then, I think from the mid 2010 (if I am not mistaken) the series was bought by a manga publisher in the US. Thus the host (and Mangaone) could not published or upload the series any longer. It was rather hard to find someone who has the guts to upload the series. But thank goodness, from the forum on Mangafox which is still followed by many fans, I found one site. It is here in blogspot. And because of this site also, I started to write my blog here.

So, Skip Beat has made my top ten guilty pleasure list, along with Sandra Brown, maccha, ice cream, chocolate, NSYNC, water melon, E!, NGC, Glee+Castle+Dexter+TrueBlood (this counted as ONE!!), and ofcourse: SKIP BEAT!


Kyouko Mogami lived solely for her childhood friend Shoutaro "Shou" Fuwa. She follows Shou to Tokyo so that he may realize his dream of becoming a famous singer. When his dream is realized, Kyouko overhears the truth behind his decision to bringing her with him: he was using her as a maid.

Shocked and enraged, Kyouko swears to take revenge by outdoing him in show business. With a new look and a new attitude, she joins LME, the agency where Ren Tsuruga (Shou's rival and the #1 actor of LME) works, in the hopes of achieving her goal of destroying Shou's pride.

Along the way, she discovers her true self, makes new friends (and enemies), and finds herself at the heart of some interesting situations that will change her life, and the lives of all others involved, forever.

Senin, 08 November 2010

Postingan Pertama

Akhirnya punya blog di sini!

Masih belum terpikirkan akan mengisi apa di sini, setelah sekian banyak situs-situs yang menyediakan fasilitas blog ini. Terlebih lagi, saya sering sekali cepat merasa bosan dan akhirnya pindah lagi ke situs yang lain. Yah, saya tahu, ini benar-benar kebiasaan buruk.

Okelah, sampai di sini dulu. Nanti kita lanjut lagi.

Sampai jumpa!!